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For this project I was required to create a problem statement and answer it using my big ideas statement. My problem was surrounding the idea that identity-less university students want to regain a sense of identity and how we can use subculture to explore this narrative. From this I created the big ideas statement which reads leveraging the power of subculture curating unique experiences of identity to create a feeling of belonging within their academic journey. I wanted to channel the idea that people need to relook at their identity during these pivotal years of life as often people can get caught up in trying to please the new people around them while juggling a completely new independent life that they forget who they are.

Where this project began

Page from my magazine by artist Wes Naman titled 'the invisible tape series'

Page from my magazine by myself titled 'Themselves' based on caricature

Pages from my magazine by artist Maisie Cousins from a collection of her works

My magazine is a grotesque obscure themed magazine produced in the hopes to promote identity within university students. I have featured works from myself as well as other creators in the aim to explore identity through a unique lens. I have looked at subculture as means to view groups and how they would realistically work within today’s society. My main objective within this project is to create a sense of community without people feeling they must conform to the stationary ideals which come with subculture. While educating people of different aspects of identity through different viewpoints and giving visual inspiration. Creating a magazine was a key design choice to enable my consumer to have a keepsake item in which they can look back on when they may have feelings of identity confusion.

Project outcome:  
EYESORE Magazine

Magazine PDF Download

Please find attached a full PDF version of my magazine ‘Eyesore’. Please feel free to have a look through.

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