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Throughout this report, I found myself continuously engaged in critical analysis of my work, using Adobe InDesign skills for layout design, and refining images with various photoshop skills. Delving into these areas not only aligned with my passion for design but also served as a natural extension of my magazine project. This experience not only allowed me to enhance my technical abilities but also provided a platform for developing my aesthetics. With each iteration, I gained a deeper understanding of how to effectively communicate though visual media. This journey has boosted my confidence in navigating Adobe and has guided me to make more informed aesthetic decisions in my creative projects. Reflecting on this project, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for continuing m growth and refinements of my skills.

Skills used:

In alignment with my grotesque aesthetic of my magazine, I deliberately using a recurring theme of eyeballs to evoke a sense of capitation and discomfort. This deliberate choice stemmed from my desire to capture the viewers attention, compelling them to confront the issue with unsettling and grotesque head-on. Throughout this report the eyeball imagery served as a visual indicator, strategically used to disrupt and provoke reactions. By using this repeated imagery I sought to create ideas that would linger in the minds of the audience long after they had finished reading the report.

Aesthetic choices:

This report was created based on my Eyesore magazine, It encompasses everything that got me from the starting point of my project to the end. Exploring my consumers wants and needs, how to best market my idea to them and my creative direction used to entice them. I followed the Nottingham Trent FCP process to complete this 3000 word document, creating a cohesive report to further my growing visual identity. For this project I was required to create a problem statement and answer it using my big ideas statement. My problem was surrounding the idea that identity-less university students want to regain a sense of identity and how we can use subculture to explore this narrative. From this I created the big ideas statement which reads leveraging the power of subculture curating unique experiences of identity to create a feeling of belonging within their academic journey. I wanted to channel the idea that people need to relook at their identity during these pivotal years of life as often people can get caught up in trying to please the new people around them while juggling a completely new independent life that they forget who they are.

Eyesore report

Eyesore Report

'the aesthetic of the report and your outcomes harnesses the theme of the grotesque and you don't temper the creative risk that's needed.'- lecturer given feedback


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