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This project was a collaboration with brand TSPTR and focuses on ideas surrounding the term ‘Homegrown’. Zines in themselves are a homegrown product and I wanted to replicate this idea using lots of my on photography throughout this project as well as a handmade element on the front cover.


During this project I thought about what homegrown means to me and decided my homegrown as music, especially listening in the car. I come from a small town where there isn’t much to do so something we find enjoyment in is driving around sharing music with each other. This zine aimed to share a small aspect of this.


When looking into TSPTR I found they have a string link with music and also found myself doing lots of research into the 70’s from this. Music and clothing have always has a close bond through the 70s, countercultural groups such as the hippies and pinks show this bond with music being linked with specific types. Groups such as the hippies attended music festivals like Woodstock and their main ideologies consisted of ‘peace and love’ mantras. Whereas the punks were a group focused more on anarchy. The idea that the way we dress relates to our personalities and music tastes is an outdated idea which I feel needs to be changed. People are judged too quickly for these personal factors. I wanted to create a zine which looked at changing this view.


Zine project

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